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Headteacher's Welcome

"Welcome to our school website. As a school we believe positive relationships are at the heart of everything we do, and that relationship starts from your first enquiry."

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We hope you find the information here valuable, however it can sometimes be difficult to encapsulate the work we do in such a format, so please do not hesitate to get in touch if there are questions that you have following your visit here.

Utopia is an independent special school for boys and girls aged 13-16 who need a small, structured and nurturing environment to flourish.  We have created a calm and collaborative environment in which students feel happy and safe. This is our number 1 priority, after all effective learning can only take place when students are settled enough to access it. With class sizes of 1:4 and a passionate and committed staff team, it is our privilege to be able to support children in achieving their academic and social potential.

For me as a head, and for our entire staff team it is imperative that students and their parents/carers feel comfortable with their choice of school and we will do everything in our power to provide you and your child with a positive experience of education. Ultimately, we want your child to be happy coming to school.

Please feel free to pick up the phone, or pop in for a chat if you have any queries.

Chris Black

Utopia is an Independent Special School for boys and girls aged 13-16 with neurodiversity, high levels of anxiety and those experiencing emotionally based school avoidance.

We are a small setting for up to 20 learners providing intensive and personalised support for those with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) who benefit from a nurturing environment.

A place that redefines the norms of education.

Building positive relationships with parents and carers is paramount to our work.

My son’s attitude, behaviour and whole outlook on life and other people has changed completely, he is a totally different person. Utopia has transformed him from a little boy into a respectable young man, the staff are amazing.


What Utopia are able to do is support the education of students in a relational way, they develop trusted relationships with young people and know that this is the important first step, before work can be done in improving educational outcomes.

Social Worker

The staff at Utopia aren’t like other teachers, they are more like normal people who you can talk to if you have a problem.

What to do next

Interested in what we do? Contact us to arrange a visit

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